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Second Chance Law Ciudad Real

In Lawyou you will find lawyers specialized in second chance law in Murcia. We have lawyers expert in Second Chance Law. Contact us…We will help you!

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Second Chance Law Lawyers in Ciudad Real

lawyer raul prieto
Raúl Prieto Martinez

Experienced lawyer, capable of finding the most efficient solution, always for the clients' benefit.

Jorge Manuel Viturro Barreiro

Extensive experience in Banking Law and complex investment products. Advice on companies' internationalization.

Paula Manzano Aparisi

I am a litigation lawyer, specialized in criminal law, banking and asset management. My multi-sectorial experience, related to the import and export of works of art, allows me to give the client complete and international solutions.

lawyer-Gilberto Maire
Gilberto Maire

More than 22 years practicing law with passion, dedication and enjoying the clients' full confidence. With special emphasis on continuous training and extensive experience, particularly in Civil and Criminal Procedural Law, Bankruptcy Law, Second Chance Law, and Banking and Consumer Law.

Raquel Camison Garcia
Raquel Camisón García

I am a multidisciplinary lawyer, with procedures throughout the Spanish geographic area. With great professionalism and people skills, I have full knowledge of the daily practice in the Courts where my relationship with officials, colleagues, judges and prosecutors is always cordial, my work has had and has a strong link in the development of mediation as a means of conflict resolution, both in labor, commercial and family matters. Likewise, in the criminal field in general, I have always had a certain vocation for it, both in small and large-scale cases.

Lawyer Álvaro Arnanz Bartolomé
Álvaro Arnanz Bartolomé

I am a hard-working, tough and ambitious lawyer, but I am not greedy. I learn from every situation, although sometimes late and although I don't like to be criticized, if it is reasonable, I take it into consideration and value it. And most importantly, it serves me for future times and to strengthen my way of being. A touch of attention and discipline strengthens in the long run, even if at the time it causes resentment.

Second Chance Law Ciudad Real

The Second Chance Law, like the Bankruptcy Law, is part of the legislation based on ethics. Its purpose is to rescue a person from a debt situation that is not possible for him/her to face, while also seeking to protect the right of creditors to collect their debt. Therefore, this law serves two purposes at the same time, so we can say that it fulfills a double function.

Get your life back, you deserve a second chance.

If you want to know more about the second chance

Requirements to take advantage of the Second Chance
In these turbulent times, not only health regulations have been enacted but also many that we can generalize as economic regulations, we are going to talk about the law 252015 of July 28 of the mechanism of second chance, reduction of the financial burden and other measures of social character, which is known as the law of the second opportunity.

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Guide to the second chance law

When debts burden an individual, a company or a self-employed person, there is the possibility of benefiting from a measure that helps them to overcome this situation through a partial cancellation of their debts, without prejudice to the rights of creditors.

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What does the Second Chance Law mean?

In these turbulent times, not only health regulations have been enacted but also many that we can generalize as economic regulations, we are going to talk about the law 252015 of July 28 of the second chance mechanism, reduction of the financial burden and other measures of social character, which is known as the second chance law.

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If you want to know the documents you need to cancel your debts and take advantage of the second chance.

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*Note 07.05.2020: Lawyou informs that the publication today in the BOE of the revised text of the insolvency law generates uncertainty about the granting of the benefit of the exemption of the public credit in the framework of the second chance procedure. However, there is an important current of jurists specializing in insolvency law who consider its possible concession under the grounds of STS No. 381/2019 dated July 2, 2019.