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Lawyoulegal, specialists in minors

Lawyou’s juvenile lawyers are distributed throughout Spain


What is the specialty in minors?

In accordance with article 315 of our Civil Code, the age of majority «begins at the age of eighteen». Likewise, the same article adds that in order to compute the years «the day of birth shall be included in full». Therefore, in Spain, all persons who have not yet reached 18 years of age are minors.

These persons have a special legal treatment, since, although they have legal capacity from birth, not all of them have the capacity to act. Legal capacity is the aptitude to be the holder of subjective rights and legal duties. However, the capacity to act is the aptitude to exercise those rights of which a person is the holder. The latter depends on different variables and each person may have it to a different degree.

We are aware that in all legal relationships involving minors, the best interests of the minor must be paramount. Therefore, we have lawyers specialized in the defense of minors.

A lawyer for minors can advise you

You can manage in the following cases:

  • Minor’s best interests.
  • Right of the minor to be heard.
  • Guardianship and foster care measures in situations of neglect.
  • Child abduction.
  • Rights of minors.<(li>
  • Minor crimes.
  • Shared and sole custody in cases of divorce.
  • Mechanisms for the protection of minors.

Juvenile issues are mostly related to family law, specifically, filiation and guardianship. However, we also find cases involving minors in other areas, such as criminal law.

Experience and dedication.

Lawyou law firm has expert lawyers in children’s issues who will be able to advise you if you have any problem related to yourunderage children or if you have any doubts about how to proceed in cases of divorce or inheritance, among others. Our lawyers for minors have more than 15 years of experience in the sector and know perfectly what the rights of minors are and how they can be exercised.



If you need a lawyer specializing in minors…

Contact Us

Lawyou is a multidisciplinary law firm, which has independent lawyers specialized in different areas of law and who work as a team to provide the best answers to the issues raised by our clients.

consult lawyou

Consulta general 1

La abogada/o responde a tu duda de carácter general. Puedes elegir que la respuesta sea por teléfono o vía e-mail.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • 60 min
  • Tu abogado/a te llama o escribe para responder tu consulta.
¿Quieres saber más?
analisis caso lawyou legal

Análisis de tu caso 2

La abogada/o analiza tu caso y te expone en un informe las diferentes opciones que tienes.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • menos de 15 min.
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para la entrega de la documentacion que sera validada.
  • menos de 3 dias.
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe.
¿Quieres saber más?
Estrategia de defensa lawyou legal

Estrategia de defensa 3

La abogada/o propone una estrategia para defender tu caso, elaborando un informe con las peticiones a llevar a cabo.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • menos de 15 min.
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para la entrega de la documentacion que sera validada.
  • menos de 5 dias.
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe y las acciones a seguir.
¿Quieres saber más?
Asistencia legal en lawyou

Asistencia legal 4

La abogada/o te ejecutará la estrategia de defensa, en el ámbito judicial o, extrajudicialmente según convenga.

  • Contratas el servicio
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti
  • menos de 1 hora
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para el día del juicio
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe y las acciones a seguir.
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