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Lawyoulegal, specialists in construction defects

Lawyou is an office formed by independent lawyers who collaborate with each other and who are specialists in various areas of law, including civil law. Within civil law our lawyers are experts in claims and civil liability also in the field of construction defects. Our lawyers are distributed throughout the national territory.
What is civil liability for construction defects?
The civil law is the branch of law responsible for establishing regulatory rules of relations between natural or legal persons, which can be both personal and patrimonial. This subject is divided into different specialties, among which civil liability for construction defects.
Claims are requests that a person raises against another or in front of an institution in order to solve a specific problem. In this case, for example, if a private individual sees that his property could have construction defects, the first thing he should do is file a claim. To know who you should put it against, you can consult your specific case with our lawyers and they will advise you.
In relation to the claims, we find civil liability, which is the obligation to repair a damage on the part of the person who produces it, by violating a duty of conduct. Our Civil Code distinguishes contractual liability from extracontractual liability. The difference between the two is that the contract derives from the breach of a contract, while the non-contractual there is no prior contractual link.
In the case of defects in construction, the provisions of Law 38/1999, of November 5, on Building Regulation (LOE) must be met. This standard offers some guarantees to fight against construction defects. The LOE establishes three different deadlines for filing claims, depending on the type of defect that is. Therefore, it is important to know all the possibilities so that the claim deadlines are not passed, which are the following:
• For finishing defects 1 year.
• For habitability defects 3 years.
• For building structural safety defects 10 years.
Experience and dedication
Lawyou has lawyers who have an average of 25 years of experience in the sector. Thanks to the experience, dedication and good practices for which they are known, more and more customers have trusted us to receive advice on issues of construction defects. If you have any problems of this kind and want to receive more information, do not hesitate to share your case with us so that we can advise you in the process.
If you need a lawyer specialized in construction defects
Contact us

consult lawyou

Consulta general 1

La abogada/o responde a tu duda de carácter general. Puedes elegir que la respuesta sea por teléfono o vía e-mail.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • 60 min
  • Tu abogado/a te llama o escribe para responder tu consulta.
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analisis caso lawyou legal

Análisis de tu caso 2

La abogada/o analiza tu caso y te expone en un informe las diferentes opciones que tienes.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • menos de 15 min.
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para la entrega de la documentacion que sera validada.
  • menos de 3 dias.
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe.
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Estrategia de defensa lawyou legal

Estrategia de defensa 3

La abogada/o propone una estrategia para defender tu caso, elaborando un informe con las peticiones a llevar a cabo.

  • Contratas el servicio.
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti.
  • menos de 15 min.
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para la entrega de la documentacion que sera validada.
  • menos de 5 dias.
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe y las acciones a seguir.
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Asistencia legal en lawyou

Asistencia legal 4

La abogada/o te ejecutará la estrategia de defensa, en el ámbito judicial o, extrajudicialmente según convenga.

  • Contratas el servicio
  • Elegimos el mejor abogado/a para ti
  • menos de 1 hora
  • Recibes su llamada para establecer el primer contacto.
  • Os citais para el día del juicio
  • Tu abogado/a te comunica las conclusiones en un informe y las acciones a seguir.
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