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Family Rights in Bilbao

Find the best Lawyers Specialized in Family Rights in Bilbao City. Family rights can be divided, mainly, into three aspects:

The matrimonial or matrimonial rights, which includes the legal norms derived from the consecration of this institution.

The filliation, which can be matrimonial, extramarital or adoptive. This aspect also includes the parental authority regulation.

The guardianship, which regulates the guardianship and guardianship of minors or incapacitated persons who are not subject to parental authority.

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The lawyer will answer your general queries. You can choose to have the answer by phone or via e-mail.

Your case analysis

The lawyer analyzes your case and presents you with a report on the different options you have.

Defense Strategy

A strategy to defend your case, elaborating a report with the petitions to be carried out.

Your case

We can help you...

Lawyers Specialized in Family Rights in Bilbao City

lawyer asier garcia llano

Asier García Llano

Lawyer with extensive professional experience. Having developed my career in different offices, later to practice as an independent lawyer for 9 years. Specializing in the following fields: Civil, Family, Criminal, Gender Violence, and Minors.

Rodrigo Fernando Villalta Fernandez | Lawyou | Family Lawyers in Bilbao

Rodrigo Fernando Villalta Fernandez

I am a lawyer with 8 years of experience specialized in criminal law, immigration law, civil law and family law.

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Lawyers’ Office specialized in Family Rights in Bilbao


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