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Criminal Law Lawyers in Cadiz

Contact in less than 24 hours

Our multi-channel availability allows us to contact you so that your concerns start to disappear.


The lawyer will answer your general questions. You can choose to have your question answered by phone or via e-mail.

Your case analysis

The lawyer analyzes your case and presents you with a report on the different options you have.

Defense Strategy

A strategy to defend your case, elaborating a report with the petitions to be carried out.

Legal Assistance

The lawyer will execute the defense strategy, in the judicial area or, extra judicially as convenient.

Your case

We can help you...

Lawyer specialized in Criminal Law in Cádiz

Lawyer Ana Gandul

I like to be close to the client, and to be able to speak to them in a language with which they feel comfortable and understand all the procedures and times regarding the procedure.

lawyer-Francisco Javier Garoña Fernandez

100% resolute lawyer, giving an immediate response to the problems.

How does our office work?
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+ 1.000 cases solvled per year
Your case may be one of the more than 1000 cases we solve in a year.