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Can I disinherit my children?

The inheritance and the will . Theinheritance can be defined as that legal act through which a deceased person transmits his property and rights, as well as his obligations and debts to his heirs. . As for the will, it is the legal act by which such heirs dispose, after the death of the deceased, […]

Lawyou — viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Permanent disability due to fibromyalgia

What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia can be defined as a disease recognized by the World Health Organization that causes pain in the muscles, bones and joints, among others.

Similarly, the disease also generates symptoms such as insomnia, headaches and physical and mental fatigue. In short, people with fibromyalgia tend to feel pain and sensitivity throughout the body.
Although the disease can be suffered by both sexes and at any age, it is most commonly found in women between the ages of 20 and 50.

Causes of fibromyalgia

Although so far there are no specific causes that lead to fibromyalgia, genes may cause that, in some cases, certain people have a greater predisposition to suffer from this disease.

In addition, there are also certain factors that can act as triggers:
An accident.
A problem that has caused a lot of stress.
Muscular diseases.
Chronic infections.

Lawyou — viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

I want to appeal my medical discharge 2020

How to contest my medical discharge
I have been discharged, but I am not yet able to work.

When a worker on sick leave receives the notification of medical discharge, he/she has the obligation to return to work immediately, taking into account that it is a disciplinary dismissal reason for not attending without any justifying cause.

However, on many occasions, a worker receives a medical discharge without actually being able to return to work. Thus, when someone finds himself in this situation, it is essential to be informed of the rights available to him, among which is the right to claim against such medical discharge.

Lawyou — viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021