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Labor Lawyers in Alcorcón

In Lawyou we have Alawyers specialized in Labor Law in Alcorcón a firm formed by professionals specialized in different law fields.

General Queries

The lawyer will answer your general queries. You can choose to have the answer by phone or via e-mail.

Your case analysis

The lawyer analyzes your case and presents you with a report on the different options you have.

Defense Strategy

The lawyer will propose a defense strategy for your case, preparing a report with the requests to be carried out.

Legal Assistance

The lawyer will execute the defense strategy, in the judicial area or, extra judicially as convenient.

Your case

We can help you...

Lawyou Labor Law Lawyers in Alcorcón

Lawyer specialized in Labor Law. Any type of sector.

I am a lawyer with a law degree, specialized in criminal, civil, juvenile and social law.

I am a lawyer specialized in Civil Law with a great capacity to adapt to clients, due to my wide experience in a diverse range of matters (obligations and contracts, banking, real estate, civil liability, etc.). I would like to highlight my great enthusiasm for dealing with the litigation that is brought to me and always try to find ways to build loyalty and empathize with clients.

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Lawyou Legal Lawyers' Office
Lawyou Legal Lawyers' Office

Lawyoulegal is a law office you can trust with professionals in Alcorcón. Our lawyers, who are distributed throughout the country, are experts in different law fields and collaborate with each other to provide the best service to their clients.

We are transparent. We are efficient and experienced.